
December - it's when I am hopefully going to be making this.
I will be in England for a couple of days, and I need a (cop out) back up plan, for when I inevitably chicken out of this entire project, because I do not for one second think I will actually get this done.
I have enough golden silk that I can make an overskirt and bodice to match the underskirt I already have - it's going to have to be a partly Natural Form style outfit, which means the fact the 1869 original sketch isn't actually a fashion plate is a great thing. Having spoken on the group call yesterday I was really inspired to actually try to do this, and I found Luca's advice really great because for some reason making an 1860s bodice feels like it will be far easier than a NF one. I am going to use some cotton sateen I have stashed to line the bodice, and although I don't have any of my 1860s era Victorian bodices left to study, I can stufy the construction of the others I do still own (and remind myself that they aren't all perfect so it is OK if mine isn't.)

Here's something I made a year ago, but just had photographed so the post isn't too depressing/dull:


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